Speak Spread Publication2023

In Marshall McLuhan’s essay, “The Medium Is The Massage”, he discusses the implications of technology and media and how it has seeped into our reality causing a reevaluation of how our education and political systems operate. Through the presentation of multiple digital mediums, its layered reproduction creates new perspectives of time and space. Living in a world of excess information proves that too much content causes fragmentation of meaning and a detachment from learning. Adding to McLyhan’s argument, my Speak spreads explores how modes of technology are important but can be harmful if not used appropriately. Just instruction doesn’t work anymore; there is a need to discover and explore. Through analog and digital forms, I emphasize important takeaways from McLuhan’s essay while applying similar treatment to each composition replicating the “spread as image” Speak Magazine style.

NO. OF PAGES.         7    
FORMAT                     11 x 17 in
BINDING                    Single Tabloid Sheets